Hydrogen-rich Water Exerting a Protective Effect on Ovarian Reserve Function in a Mouse Model of Immune Premature Ovarian Failure Induced by Zona Pellucida 3. | 高濃度水素水はZP3誘発性自己免疫型早発卵巣機能不全モデルマウスの 卵巣予備機能に対して保護効果を発揮する
Hydrogen-rich Water Exerting a Protective Effect on Ovarian Reserve Function in a Mouse Model of Immune Premature Ovarian Failure Induced by Zona Pellucida 3.
Reproductive Center, Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Capital Medical University
首都医療大学 北京産婦人科病院 生殖センター
Effect of hydrogen injected subcutaneously on testicular tissues of rats exposed to cigarette smoke. | タバコの煙に曝露させたラットの精巣組織への 皮下注射による水素の効果
Effect of hydrogen injected subcutaneously on testicular tissues of rats exposed to cigarette smoke.
Department of Urology, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University
武漢大学中南病院 泌尿器科